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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Consistent Viscosity...Ballad of The White Horse

I blame myself and rightly so or at least I should
When face to face with my consistent lack of good
The day has frittered to upon all the things I would
But all along I will be judged by where these days I stood

My life holds true viscosity to where I eb and flow
These moments I do realize when I am alone
The test of faith where I am proved allow myself to grow
Or bury head ignoring all that I have come to know

I pray for sun when comes the rain heaping up a fear
And then for rain when it's too hot or just for someone near
Consistent ignorance viscosity when I refuse to hear
A silent calm lack thereof flows from one so dear

Ballad of the White Horse

Where Ind's enamelled peaks arise
Around that inmost one
Where ancient eagles on it's brink
Vast as archangels, gather and drink
The sacrament of the sun

And men brake out of the northern lands
Enormous lands alone
Where a spell is laid upon life and lust
And the rain is changed to a silver dust
And the sea to a great green stone

And a Shape that moveth murkily
In mirrors of ice and night
Hath blanched with fear all the beasts and birds
As death and a shock of evil words
Blast a man's hair with white

And the cry of the palms and the purple moons
Or the cry of the frost and foam
Swept ever round an inmost place
And the din of distant race on race
Cried and replied round Rome

And there was death on the Emperor
And night upon the Pope
And Alfred hiding in deep grass
Hardened his heart with hope...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The White Horse Continued...

For the end of the world was long ago
And all we dwell today
Like children of some second birth
Like a strange people left on earth
After a judgment day.

For the end of the world was long ago
When the ends of the world waxed free
When Rome was sunk in a wast of slaves
And the sun drowned in the sea

When Caesar's sun fell out of the sky
And whoso hearkened right
Could only hear the plunging
Of the nations in the night

When the ends of the earth cam marching in
To torch and cresset gleam
And the roads of the world that lead to Rome
Were filled with faces that moved like foam
Like faces in a dream.

And Men rode out of the eastern lands
Broad river and burning plain
Trees that are Titan flowers to see
And tiger skies, striped horribly
With tints of tropic rain.

What second world we live in that has been forgotten
Like over left a dinner that has long gone rotten
What whispers of our past lives of what we are down trodden
For the sake of all of us our White Horse has plodden

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ballad of the White Horse

Before the gods that made the gods
Had seen their sunrise pass
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was cut out of the grass.

Before the gods that made the gods
Had drunk at dawn their fill
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was hoary on the hill.

Age beyond age on British land
Aenos on aeons gone
Was peace and war in western hills
And the White Horse looked on.

For the White Horse knew England
When there was none to know
He saw the first oar break or bend
He saw Heaven fall and the world end
O God, how long ago!

How far we've come from the foundations of our poetic forefathers!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

So Begins Another Day

So begins another day and I do not want to write this
I awoke beside my angel and quickly spurned her kiss
I hate my life and sincerely want it changed
To take away the guilt I feel that’s left me feeling strange
I need there be the intimate well within my soul
Something greater, but none in store helping me be whole.

What lies become the fallen man that I have overcome?
Subject to this race of guilt and now I’ve come undone
So too little much too late you’re here and I’m a mess
Battered by these winds and waves and breaking of their crest
What have I to offer up in goodness and in health?
Eternal quality life thereof has left in me a welt.

Give to Caesar what is his and God will take the rest
We didn’t ask to be brought in to the world that he knows best
The Stream of Life has swelled to rage and overtakes me now
Crawl into a cave of silence please just dry me out.
Pen in hand to make a list of things I hope will save
In hopes that I will not be found to be a babbling nave.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Attention Defficit and ADHD

ADD and ADHD or Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has some stunning statistics behind it. Anywhere between one and three out of thirty children will have this learning disability as noted by Dr. Russell Barkley.

The statistics for adults with ADD/ADHD are a bit more scattered ranging anywhere between 2% and 7% of the population. Some people may describe having a child with ADD as having three kids in one and may find it difficult to grasp that their child's emotional development is about 30% behind that of his non-ADD peers.

Some of the many features of ADD include the inability to sit still for long periods of time, reading comprehension, a lag in verbal skills and fine motor skills, forgetfulness, lack or inability to concentrate for long periods of time and many others. Doctors and parents are certainly well aware of the implications this has for school performance as well as the child's social interaction.

Research has shown that children with ADD are more at risk for co-morbidity, or to be diagnosed with a mood or personality disorder such as major depressive disorder, bi-polar disorder, or dysthymia as they pass from adolescence to adulthood. Some have also stated that ADD may be a segway into one of these. They are also more at risk for dependency on alcohol especially when there has been a stressful family experience such as a divorce.

ADD can be hard to diagnose because there are many symptoms that overlap with bi-polar disorder such as impulsivity, sleeplessness, talkativeness, racing thoughts, and distractibility. These two disorders are commonly misdiagnosed and proper attention must be given during evaluation.

It is also interesting to note that parents of an Attention Deficit and or ADHD child are more likely to divorce. This is an unfair statement however and may reflect that it is not unusual for at least one of those parents to also have Attention Deficit Disorder which itself can cause much conflict in relationships and marriage.

Given these statistics it is difficult to grasp how there may be much hope for success for a child with Attention Deficit Disorder. It was just twenty years ago when all there was in the way of medication was Ritalin. Today, thankfully, we have others such as Aderal and Strattera to help parents and children cope and allow the child to adjust and grow along with his fellow peers. It is not impossible for him to go on to college and find a good paying job that he finds enjoyable.

These medications are thought to act on the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin by increasing it's presence in the brain. It is interesting to note that many of the drugs available to treat ADD and ADHD symptoms are stimulants but actually serve to calm the individual. However, there is potential for abuse with some of these drugs especially Ritalin.

With the ability to allow the individual to focus also come short and long term side effects. One side effect of Ritalin that is short and long term is loss of appetite which initially can cause weight loss but in the long run can cause malnutrition. Other side effects of Ritalin include toxic psychosis, psychotic episodes and dependency. Other long term side effects include irregular heartbeat and breathing.

As far as other short term side effects of Ritalin may include insomnia, headaches, and digestive problems just to name a few. In children it is vital that much care is taken to ensure that the correct medication, dosage and dosage times be monitored very closely. One thing to strongly consider when thinking about Ritalin is that the United States Army has denied people on a regular basis for the simple fact that they have been prescribed the drug. For simply having taken Ritalin the individual can be refused from serving their country.